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My Free Self-Care V-Day Event Gift to YOU!

It's February! And a gift for you! I've partnered with the amazing Rebekah Rockett, Ed Jones advisor and financial guru, to bring you this FREE women's event to bring some self-care love to YOU or a special woman in your life next Valentine's Day week! women's money mindset workshop Including a light brunch from Taste and See Charcuterie. Click here to register- capacity is limited and seats are filling up! V-Day Gift of Experience! Consider a Valentine's Day gift of EXPERIENCE with an...

4 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, I wanted to send a note in case you missed the incredible opportunity I shared last month to support women in healthcare leadership in developing nations with your tax deductible end-of-year gift. I have not previously shared with our Trek Tribe that I heartily donate a significant amount of my time and resources annually to not-for-profit organizations aligned with my mission. This project involves significantly more expense with travel and materials -AND- I would love to partner...

5 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader, Have you ever found yourself at a complete impasse? Stuck, trapped, spiraling and unable to move forward? Maybe you're in one now! In a nutshell, I call it the stuck. yuck. and it feels something like this... golf bunker Or maybe this... trapped chickens A few weeks ago a coaching client arrived for her last session of her coaching intensive ("Dr. Natalie Boot Camp" as some fondly -I think!) refer to it...) As she shared take-aways and actions steps, with a new twinkle in her eyes...

6 months ago • 2 min read

Click Fast - only FIVE spots! I wanted to offer this VIP option to YOU FIRST, Trek Tribe, before I post to the website and the wide world. Here's the scoop: If you invite THREE people to purchase tickets for the Aug 31st Enneagram for Flourishing, YOU get: --Your ticket-- FREE! AND --A Goodie bag of Enneagram MERCH! AND --A FREE 45-minute private follow up coaching session with me! Just Email here with the names of your three lovely ticket-holding people in the "How Can We Help" section. We...

11 months ago • 1 min read

Edna and I are LIVE!!! My TedX Talk is now available for your viewing pleasure with the long-awaited live on stage introduction of my Inner Critic "Edna"! I don't believe that Enneagram 1's have a corner on the market for the "Inner Critic" - that judgmental part of self that gets hooked up with shame and hurtful chatter that undermines confidence in many ways. All of our Inner Critics can lead us to ramping up a False Self version of us, which I share in the talk. I also note that entire...

11 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Trek Tribe! July is upon us! I love these long days and our family has enjoyed paddleboards, swimming, camps, visitors and we look forward to some travel and time with our extended family over the next few weeks. If you haven't checked out my new website, take a quick peek! This week, I shared on DayTime TriCities some fascinating research about the mental health benefits provided by more time outside and in nature. Here's that clip for a recap. Did you know that outdoor time increases...

11 months ago • 2 min read

Happy UpsyDaisyDay! I have JUST learned that today IS in fact UpsyDaisyDay and I invite you to participate in the spirit of the day with gratitude or a quick encouragement to someone in your world who could use an UpsyDaisy! Big Reveal #1 My very first TedX Talk is a wrap! I'm still pinching myself... If you know anything about Enneagram 1's, it would be no surprise that I've spent m a n y hours, weeks, months - and with wholehearted transparency- some second thoughts and "what was I...

12 months ago • 2 min read

Flourishing 101 Last Friday evening, I gave a plenary session to almost 300 healthcare professionals ranging from medical students and early career, to mid-career and senior leaders. My challenge to them, no matter the stage of their training or career, was to envision and write their personal flourishing formula. I thought I would invite you to do the same! Flourishing encompasses a life well-lived. One definition states "to grow luxuriantly". It speaks to thriving, developing, and growing....

about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Happy February Trek Tribe! I've got an IDEA and an OPPORTUNITY so read to the end! First, my suggested rebrand for Valentine's Day is L.E.A.D. Love with EQ Awareness Day! While Valentine’s Day and St. Valentine have a romantic and fascinating history and I am absolutely on board with showing appreciation for those we love: >> The day can bring undue expectations for romantic relationships to “be ok” or “start over” or pressure a relationship to appear in a way that just isn’t reality for...

over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Welcome to 2023, Trek Tribe! If you haven't had a chance to reflect on your 2022, you still can! And here's the link to the template I shared in my last newsletter. Another easy but powerful tool I learned recently that I plan to incorporate in my own regular "rhythm" of review includes two questions: - - - What has been done THROUGH you? - - - What has been done FOR you? I like how these incorporate awareness, gratitude and an intentional looking back. Based on your reflect and review, what...

over 1 year ago • 4 min read
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