
Hi, I’m a creator

My BIG Reveals!

Published 12 months ago • 2 min read

Happy UpsyDaisyDay!

I have JUST learned that today IS in fact UpsyDaisyDay and I invite you to participate in the spirit of the day with gratitude or a quick encouragement to someone in your world who could use an UpsyDaisy!

Big Reveal #1

My very first TedX Talk is a wrap! I'm still pinching myself...

If you know anything about Enneagram 1's, it would be no surprise that I've spent m a n y hours, weeks, months - and with wholehearted transparency- some second thoughts and "what was I thinking's?" in preparation for this past Tuesday's inaugural Johnson City TedX event! Truth be told, Edna and I churned out LOTS of drafts for this big opportunity which illuminated my own "in process" growth edges in big ways too!

I had the privilege (and extra anxious anticipation) of speaking last - but the audience was lovely and engaged.

AND speaking of Edna, the TedX audience got to meet her! Many of you have attended workshops with me and you know I've named my inner critic, Edna. Well, as you can see below, her persona has been realized!

Big Reveal #2

It is LAUNCH WEEK for High Places this week!

First TedX, Edna, AND NOW I invite you to check out my beautiful new website: designed and built by the incredibly talented Seth Hice. We have MORE pages and resources in development so stay tuned for those - but take a click around and check out my new look!

MY Gratitude

So many friends graciously supported my TedX preparations (and freak-outs!) with their encouragement and their own incredible professional superpowers. These are some lovely cheers I'm still savoring:

A picture of a page from a book with a checklist of "things that bother you that you wish you didn't" after which you tally your "I don't give a ___!" score. (MV, this was so perfect!)
"Just get out of your way, friend"
"It's all coming together" and hours of feedback coaching/video review
Brilliant ideas for where to put my emergency notes and stage blocking tips!
"You tell that inner critic who's boss!"
"I can't wait to hear this! I bought a ticket and got a babysitter!"
And encouragement and 'thinking of you' texts up to minutes before the event... every single one was such a gift!

TAKEAWAY: While I fall into the trap myself believing that I can just fly solo most of the time, I cannot. Part of my growth stretch has been realizing this all over again!

Stay Tuned!

Many of you have asked when you can see the TedX talk- I'm not sure :) BUT I will keep you posted RIGHT HERE!

In the meantime, to YOUR Highest and YOUR Truest and YOUR Wholehearted Today,

Please note that sending or receiving email from Dr. Pickering or RWI, Inc./High Places Coaching and Consulting, Inc. does not constitute the establishment of a therapist-client relationship or a coach-client relationship. Email correspondence or social media content is not the equivalent of professional psychological services, nor can it substitute for obtaining psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified professional. Communications are for informational or educational purposes only. If you think you may have a medical or psychological emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

Hi, I’m a creator

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